Monday, December 25, 2006


For most of the year, this should be locked as the top post of this blog. I'm going to use it to serve as a short introduction, so feel free to skip down to the good stuff if you've already read it.

This blog was created to serve as an organic host for my birthday and Christmas wish list. I'm a rather impulsive person, you see, and the items on my wish list is constantly growing. Either increasing because I saw something I want, or decreasing because I saw something I couldn't wait for. And sometimes I just change my mind, again, impulsively.

Rather than trying to send out constant updates of my wishlist to everyone in my family, flooding their in-boxes, I'll just use this site. Then, whenever folks decide to go Christmas (or whatever) shopping, they can skip straight to my list, print it off, and be confidant that they are 100% up to date.

I'll include a few extra features that only an HTML-based list can offer. For instance, I'll try to put an link to each item I can. Also, I'll make a semi-detailed description wishes and why I want them in separate posts below. These posts will stack up like normal blog posts, just below the top two. Each item with a detailed post will have a link to that post, as well.

Okay, enough explaining. Let's get to the good part.


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